The Middle East countries are known for their difficult soil conditions. To check it, we went to Kuwait to perform the installation using our machines for trenchless technology.
First we performer a test jacking at the distance about 7 metres. We can see this at the beginning of the film above. After this we had to install PVC casing pipes for new electricity installation.
The place of work was around the largest Supply Center in Kuwait.

The work was to be made under the roadway, passing on a very busy roundabout. The road remained intact.

There were 22 metres of PVC pipes for installing, 3 x 8 metres each section, diameter 110 mm.

Without trenchless technology on this rondabout, this installation would result a huge traffic jam.

For the installation we was using MAX K130S with Tool for inserting PE/PVC pipe diameter 110 mm.

For the best result we was using Optical set for aiming the machine.

And we connected installing pipes to the machine until when the mole came almost completely into the ground.

Then the installed pipes was connected with the ground rocket.

By using tensioner we achieved rigid connecton between mole and pipe.

In Kuwait we dealing with the strong, difficult ground conditions. On the foto below we can see the two different layers of soil. To the depth 1 meter, we have very compacted and dry soil. Less than 1 meter the soil was more compacted and hard, additionally wet. The installation we had to make near the border of this two fraction.

The difficult groud conditions caused that the installation lasted over 3 hours. From time to time the mole almost did not move forward. It meant that the machine came across a hard obstacles. The huge accuracy of our products, especially the stepped head of the mole caused that machine effectivelly smashed the obstacles, instead changing the direction, like the illustration below.

The installation was done very accuratelly.