The customer before buying our groundr rocket MAX K95S, wanted to check their effectiveness. and accuracy. Also he wanted to get a training for all employers. This is our standard - try this before buying.
Orchowo village, nearest Gniezno, city Poland. For installation was pipe diameter 50 mm,cdistance about 10 metres. The installation took place under local road.
Indication of the designer of installation: ONLY TRENCHLESS TECHNOLOGY, DO NOT DESTROY THE ROAD.

Colorful polish autumn.

Distance about 10 metres, under local road.

Preparation of the machine for work. The MAX K95S dimensions caused that for transport is enough typical car.

For the installation we only need to make start pit and end pit.

MAX K95 and all of other moles, also the smallest K55, has the Pneumatic Changing Direction System. This sollution allows to withdraw the mole, in all ground conditions. For turn on forward / reverse you can not stop the machine and you can not pull and rotate the power hose.

In the end pit we found wet clay. Under road we expected compacted sand.

The aiming.

Objective achieved. Accuracy 100%. We need to remember that in work with the ground rockets, the most important is accuracy, not execution time. It is possible that using the other moles (for example with conical head) you can make the installation 10-20% faster. But what with accuracy? The machine with conical head can cause the situation like the illustration below:

All of our moles has stepped head. Also all of our moles has the best ballance, which allow you to get the best accuracy. Our mole will sooner break the obstacle than change the direction, like the ilustration below:

More about accuracy of our moles - click here.